Virtual Matchmaking Events: What makes the format so popular in 2022?

Virtual Matchmaking Events: What makes the format so popular in 2022?

B2B networking, trade fairs and events are not possible in times of contact and travel restrictions? Yes, they are! Move the event into the digital space and organise virtual matchmaking events where business partners of tomorrow can meet and connect. Matchmaking is considered a guarantee of success for your online event 2022.

What are Matchmaking Events?

“It’s a match”! Almost everyone knows this phrase since the advent of dating platforms. Matchmaking describes the process of bringing two or more people together in an organized way. But the term matchmaking is not only used in relation to dating, but also in sporting events, in online video games and also in the business and event sector.

Matchmaking events are events focusing on networking, because matchmaking is an important networking tool. As a matchmaker, you bring the right people together at the right time at your event. There are events where matchmaking is the basis of the event, such as job fairs or events where investors and start-ups meet. So basically, every trade fair is a matchmaking event. But note that not every event is suitable for this. You always need at least two groups that want to connect with each other and a sufficient number of participants.

Why are Virtual Matchmaking Events becoming increasingly important?

Virtual matchmaking events are very popular with organisers. On the one hand, this is due to the Covid restrictions and the increase in hybrid and virtual events. On the other hand, it is due to efficient software solutions that simplify matchmaking and increase the return of investment for participants. Because at the end of the day, every visitor and sponsor only wants one thing: to return from the event with valuable contacts and leads. Matchmaking events are a guarantee for successful lead generation!

While visitors walk the halls at traditional in-person events, supported by trade fair catalogues and event programmes, you can strengthen and simplify networking by working with matchmaking tools and matchmaking apps. These helpers support you in connecting the right people at the right time. Manual matchmaking would be very time-consuming, which is why event matching software and keywords are very popular to successfully implement networking digitally and also on-site.

A survey from the Converve white paper supports this statement: 52 % of organisers of trade fairs, congresses and B2B events consider B2B matchmaking to be a decisive success factor for their events. The participants surveyed at the FAMA trade fair conference in Frankfurt also said that 49 % would expand matchmaking.

Find out about the 18 key ingredients for successful matchmaking events.

How does a Matchmaking Tool work?

Imagine that the perfect conversation partner is somewhere among the thousands of participants. But how do you find it?

There is event matchmaking software that offers targeted matchmaking or random matchmaking or both. In targeted matchmaking, the tool suggests participants to each other and enables chat sessions or meetings.

With Converve, a data-driven algorithm analyses interests and behaviour to connect the perfect participants. With customisable matching rules, you can decide which keywords to match, filter and search for. The tool then suggests the optimal networking partners. You can then request, confirm or reject appointments.

With a matchmaking tool like Converve, participants can make the right contacts even before the event and organise more meetings than ever before – whether online or offline. This way, your participants are quickly connected and ready to network.

Tip: With Converve, you can also implement targeted networking with an Event Matchmaking App – even as speed dating. With an app, you can optimally connect onsite and offsite visitors at hybrid events.

mobile event app von Converve

Advantages and Disadvantages of Event Matchmaking Software?

Software-based matchmaking is more popular than ever. No wonder, because simplifying networking with digital tools is not only contemporary, but also has many advantages for participants, sponsors and event planners. However, anyone planning a matchmaking event should also be aware of the limitations and challenges in order to have the right solutions at hand.

Advantages of Matchmaking Tools

Matchmaking facilitates networking at hybrid events: Bringing the right people together at hybrid events would hardly be feasible without a matchmaking tool and matchmaking app. After all, one group of participants sits at home in front of the screen while the other group is onsite. In order to connect digital participants with onsite participants, a digital solution is needed – preferably in the form of a handy event matchmaking app.

Networking appointments can be planned in advance: Participants can plan their event attendance and make appointments with suitable contacts before the event begins. This also means they don’t have to waste time on the day of the event trying to find the right people to talk to. Visitors can enjoy the event to the fullest and know exactly what to expect on the day.

Networking appointments in full control: With a matchmaking app in which the networking appointments are already set 1 to 4 weeks before the event starts, participants have their appointments on the day of the event clearly laid out and can structure their day in the best possible way.

Make success measurable for sponsors: With the data from the matchmaking software, you can collect all the important key figures in the B2B sector and show your sponsors the value and success of your event. Who met with whom? How many contacts were made? What is the quality of these leads? You can answer all these questions with one look at the platform or app.

Build a community around the event: Even before and after the event, you can use matchmaking & networking to build an engaged event community. You can even host matchmaking platforms that run 365 days a year and create a valuable networking ground for your partners. If you want to find out more about how to build a 365 Day Event Matchmaking Platform with Converve, get in contact with us.

Disadvantages of Matchmaking Tools

Only suitable above a certain number of participants: A certain number of participants and exhibitors is needed to find several adequate meeting partners. Otherwise the chance of finding suitable people to network is too small.

Lack of matchmaking data: The information on interests etc. is often provided by the event participant himself/herself when registering. There is no guarantee that he or she will fill them in or that he or she will not simply skip this point when logging in for the first time. To avoid this, you should always remind and motivate participants to fill out their networking profile completely before the event. Also, keep the registration forms as short as possible and do not ask for too much information in the first step.

Explanations are needed: Those who have only attended analogue events so far will not be familiar with the technology and benefits of matchmaking. Possibilities such as arranging meetings on the event matching software in advance or filling out the profile may not be used. So don’t assume too much knowledge and inform your participants optimally about the advantages and the mechanisms of matchmaking.

Conclusion: Using Matchmaking Software to find the best people to talk to

Matchmaking is the art of making valuable connections, and that’s what events, trade shows and B2B gatherings are largely about. By using software-based matchmaking at your event, you simplify networking for attendees and make your event more successful. Your sponsors and attendees are happier, which ultimately impacts your reputation and ROI. You can use matchmaking tools for onsite, virtual and hybrid events. Especially for hybrid events, a matchmaking app is the perfect solution to connect onsite attendees and online visitors.

Converve has been working on business networking solutions for around 20 years and has already contributed to successful matchmaking at more than 3000 events. How? The event platform has integrated matchmaking as a feature in its software and is also available as an event app. Are you interested in planning your next matchmaking event with Converve? Contact us and tell us about your event!